Flirchi Review

Have you ever heard of the website? If not, then consider yourself lucky. Here’s some information that I learned about the site, why it’s a scummy platform (just like this) and a few reasons why I recommend you stay the hell away from this no matter what! The review is straight to the point, cutting out most of the bull that many other people get into. Here goes nothing….

My Review

Here’s the full meat and potatoes of everything. This will tell you everything before whipping out your credit card.

Flirchi Is Just A Scam To Avoid

There are lots of scam sites out there that are really difficult to figure out. Sometimes something may seem off. Other times everything seems fine. You might be part of one of those sites right now. They’re so well hidden that you can spend months on them without ever knowing if you’re part of a real site or not.

It’s just a real part of the modern internet. There’s always someone right around the corner who wants to take advantage of you. Flirchi is not that kind of site. No, it’s not a legitimate site, but it’s not a well-conceived scam site either.

It is incredibly easy to see that it’s a scam right from the first second you decide to sign up. In fact, all you really have to do to see the scam in action is as little as possible. That’s really it.

Make A Profile

If you want to see it for yourself, just make a profile. Give them an email address, but don’t do anything else. Don’t write about yourself. Don’t enter your stats. You can even put in a fake birthdate to make yourself as old as possible. Just make sure that you don’t upload any pictures of yourself. You basically want to make the kind of profile that you would automatically ignore.

Now just sit and wait. What happens to you is the same thing that happens to every other free user on the site. You’ll start getting messages right away. They’re going to be coming from some very attractive women. They’ll keep coming and coming.

Your inbox will be full of them. Now try to respond to them. You’re going to see right away that you can’t. You have to pay to upgrade your account in order to do that. That’s how the scam works. You get sent fake messages then you pay to respond to them. The company just scammed you out of your money.

Look At The Terms Of Service

Just take a look at the terms of service and you’ll see that you agreed to all of this. You gave them permission to scam you. It says right there that you’re consenting to contact from profiles created by the company.

Those were all of those messages that you were getting. The company used them to make it seem like people were trying to talk to you to get you to upgrade. That’s really it.

Conclusion: Stay Away From

Flirchi really has nothing for you. There are no real people on this site. It’s all just one big scam and that’s it. There’s no reason to waste your time or your money on it. There are plenty of other sites out there that are real. You can use them to talk to real people and work on getting together with them. Give your time to this one site here instead. They deserve it. As far as this one goes, just try to stay far away from it.