Swipehookup Review: All Swipes, No Sex…

SwipeHookUp only exists to take your money from you and they have nothing to offer you in return. There are tons of decent paid hook up sites on the internet, so having to pay for your membership isn’t really a bad thing. The problem here is that you’re going to be tricked into buying subscriptions to completely unrelated sites when you sign up for your free account. They’re not going to point it out to you and they’re certainly not going to make it obvious. The company is banking on your not noticing that certain options are selected when you enter your information.

swipehookup.com site

My Swipehookup Review

As you go about making your profile, you’re not going to run into any problems. It’s a really fast and easy process to get it all done in minutes. The issue comes directly after that. You’re told that you have to enter your credit card information for age verification purposes. This is always a red flag.

If a company really needed to verify your age, they would need a photo ID, not a credit card. You’re told that you’re not going to be charged by the site, which is true, but you’re still going to be charged.

Adult Video Site Charges

If you don’t pay very careful attention to the page, you’ll be automatically signed up for three different porn sites. They’re options on the page and they’re going to be preselected. They are also going to be hidden in a text wall with very small fonts. It’s painfully obvious that they don’t want you to know what’s going on.

The problem on top of all this is that you’re being signed up for recurring memberships. You’re going to get charged a ton of money every single month until you manually cancel it. You can get into a lot of trouble very quickly if you let any of this happen.

No Way Around It

If you decide to enter your information and get through the cross-sales unscathed, you’re still going to be scammed by the site. You’re going to be getting messages in your inbox from spam bots that you won’t be able to respond to. If you’re convinced that the messages are real and you want to try your luck, you’re going to have to upgrade your membership to a paid one. This is one of the oldest scams on the books and hundreds of sites try to pull it. It’s nothing new.

Conclusion: Swipehookup Is Bad News, No Other Way To Put It

There’s no reason for you to have anything to do with SwipeHookUp. The profiles on the site are fake and you’re running at a high risk. Chances are very good that you’re going to end up losing quite a bit of money without even knowing it. On the off chance that you can spot the options, you’re still going to be dealing with nothing but spam. These guys want to get as much money from you as possible and that’s about it. The best thing you can do is avoid this site at all costs. There’s nothing here for anyone.

If you’re looking for a real swipe style dating site, then you’ve got to look elsewhere – perhaps here. I’m sorry, but this scam is just far too rampant and common. Knowing what I do now, I cannot suggest even for a second visiting this site and messing with any of this.