IAmNaughty Review: Nothing Naughty (Besides Card Banging) Happens Here, Sorry!

Are you naughty? I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m about as naughty as they come. Seriously, there’s no one on this planet that has a deeper appreciation for all things naughty in this world. That’s why when I came across the IAmNaughty.com website, I instantly got a boner. I know, TMI, but it’s 100% true!

Don’t get all excited just yet though. The dating network I’m about to share with you isn’t at all what you think. In fact, it’s a complete scam and one that I strongly suggest avoiding if at all possible. I explain the exact reason that they exist, what they do to scam users, and why it’s best to avoid the network entirely.

I kick things off below by telling you the most important thing that you need to know about this entire network. Keep reading to learn what I’m talking about.

IAmNaughty screenshot

My IAmNaughty.com Review

IAmNaughty only exists to sell you a lie. They tell you as much right on the site. All you have to do is take a look at the terms of service. You have to agree to being lied to. It’s a common strategy for a lot of scam sites out there. Letting you agree to the things they do allows them to stay in business.

The scam is practically as old as the internet itself and it just keeps on rolling along. Way too many people fall victim to it. The best thing that you can do to fight it is to ignore sites that have these obvious warning signs.

A Close Look At Images

All you have to do is pick out a few profiles and investigate their pictures. All it takes is a reverse image search. There are more than enough ways to do it. The simplest is just to use Google. Now it’s time to collect your evidence.

What are you going to see?

Those profile pictures all over the internet for starters. That means there are two different options for you. You can either realize that the profiles are fake and move on, or you can be stupid. You can convince yourself that the site is so amazing that it’s filled with escorts and porn stars who pay to play. On top of that, you can convince yourself that they just need to talk to you.

The Messages Come Rolling In

This is where you’re going to notice that you’re getting a ton of messages. You’re also going to be getting tons of horny porn stars checking out your profile. Once again, it’s all fake. The profiles are fake and they’re just programmed to check you out.

You won’t be able to read any messages or talk to the people looking at you unless you pay money. That’s what it’s really all about.

TOS Fine Print

Just take a look at the terms of service. You have to agree to them to make a profile in the first place. This is where you’re going to see that it’s all fake. The company tells you right there that they use fake profiles to contact you.

Why do they do this? Because they’re selling entertainment.

That’s all.

You’re not joining a dating site. You’re joining an entertainment site. They’re selling you the entertainment of feeling like you’re talking to women. That’s all that there is to it.

Conclusion: IAmNaughty Must Be Avoided

Plain and simple, don’t join IAmNaughty. It’s a total waste of time. It’s also a total waste of money. You don’t need anything to do with it. There are plenty of much better options out there for you. There really are sites that can work for you. You just need to find them.

Stay away from sites that seem too good to be true. They’re pretty much always going to be scams. If you’re unsure, take a look at the TOS. Do your reverse image searches. It’s the best way to stay safe.

Don’t join this site. Instead, start over here and register on my favorite site.