Four Booze Shots Never To Order On A Date


Hey guys, Todd here again to bring you some awesome dating advice. I had a conversation with someone this weekend about taking booze shots. We were chatting about going out with some local girls in town and I realized that some shots are fucking terrible and the effects are even worse. One thing that will take your buzz to the next level is ordering shots. There seem to be more invented every day and some of them are pretty outrageous.

Some of these shots are made to be hard to swallow, some are made for taste and some are made to get your drunk as fast as possible. Well, I took the time to outline the types of shots that I think absolutely suck. There are so many shots out there. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of what to avoid when on a date.

booze shots to avoid

These Four Booze Shots All Suck

The shots I’m about to mention will fuck your dating game all up if you take them. Do not go overboard here. Take my advice very seriously unless you want to bang yourself later in the evening. Not too mention, too much booze will lead to being in bad shape and fit gym girls don’t like to fuck slobs.

Cheap Tequila – If you have any experience with pounding shots at the bar, you know that cheap tequila is among the worst. Let’s face it. Most tequila is pretty damn hard to swallow, especially when you pound more than one shot. It needs to be pretty damn expensive to go down smooth. It burns going down and it sits in your stomach like a pool of acid and has the tendency to turn you into a madman.

Any Artificially Flavored Liquor (Especially Vodka) – Some of the worst shots you can take and some of the worst for your stomach are flavored liquor shots. I don’t like Vodka shots anyway, but when the flavor is added, it turns into instant rot gut. You want the liquor in your shots to be as pure as possible and syrupy flavoring seems to dance around in your stomach just begging to get out.

Cream Based Shots – Speaking of rot gut; cream based liquor will rot your gut faster than anything. Just the idea of mixing milk with liquor makes my stomach feel a little funny. These can actually be okay when taken in moderation. It doesn’t get along well with anything else that you have in your stomach. The hangover you get from these types of shots is a cruel form of torture that you want to avoid. Some of the worst shots that fall into this category are the Cement Mixer, Alligator Sperm, and the Buttery Nipple.

Spicy Shots – I will be the first one to say that I love spicy shots, but they don’t love me. They taste good and they even feel good going down, but they do not fare well sitting in your stomach. These shots have a similar effect as cream based shots, but with more heartburn and overall sour feeling the next day. Some dangerous spicy shots are Motor Oil, Fireball, Prairie Fire, and The Tapeworm.

Then what is safe to take? Well, I typically choose to stick to basic hard booze shots such as the Jameson or Jack Daniels. If a girl can crush these shots then you know she can probably bang like a pro. Take a few shots and take her immediately home!

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