Mistakes Single People Make On Casual Dates


I’m not saying that I’m perfect by any means, but I know what you should not do if you’re on a casual date. The dating scene can be a tricky thing to maneuver. Some people thrive and some tank. Online dating has made things a bit easier because you can cast your net wide as fuck. You can also put together a presentation that will attract a date without having to worry about approaching someone cold. In other words, you can make the connection without fear, essentially. Trying to make a first impression can be a ball buster in person but online it’s quite simple. Sadly, many still make some of the same mistakes as they did with standard dating. The difference is, it’s easier to fix some of those mistakes if you recognize them. That’s why I’m going out of my way to share some with you today.

Mistakes People Make Causally Dating

Common Mistakes People Make On Casual Dates (And When Dating Online In General)

Here are some common mistakes single people make when dating online. If you’re using a site like IBang, then you need to read this article and understand what I’m saying to you!

Revealing Dirty Little Secrets

One mistake that is very easy to make online is revealing your secrets that a new dating prospect doesn’t need to know. First, you don’t reveal too much too soon because there must be some mystery. You can lay yourself out bare for someone to misinterpret. You could be missing out on a lot of matches because they’re turned off that you reveal too much, especially things they may consider negative. If you start going out with someone, they will know all your secrets eventually. There’s no need to reveal them before you even meet.

Making Almost Everything About You

This is a common mistake that many singles make both online and in person. Whether you are messaging them or talking to them in person; it’s crucial that you do not make everything about you. You have to show interest in them and what they are all about. If a potential date only hears about you every time you talk, they’re going to be bored. People love talking about themselves. You’re not the only one.

No One Likes Dating A Pessimist

If you are the type of person that puts a negative spin on everything, then smarten the heck up! What do you think is going to happen when you are trying to connect with someone? There’s nothing wrong with giving your opinion, but you must show that there is some joy in your life. Hearing negative things gets old quick. Check your pessimism at the door if you hope to get a date online or past a first casual date. Donnie downer doesn’t get in girls ever.

Aggressiveness Will Get You Nowhere

If you are going to make a connection with someone online, make it happen naturally or as naturally as possible. You can’t force someone or rush them into being with you. No one likes to be pressured into anything. If a potential date starts feeling pressure, they will move on to someone who is not so aggressive. This means excessive unanswered messages and pushing for a response or sex. Learn some texting etiquette for gosh sakes. Same goes for while being on a casual date. If your date isn’t feeling it, so be it. Don’t push it or you’ll have a restraining order on your hands.

Too Much Phone Use

This may seem like a common mistake everyone knows to avoid, but some still manage to turn off a potential date by checking their phone constantly. Habit or nervousness could cause this, but you need to keep it in mind and keep your phone in your pocket. They want to see you and talk to you. They don’t want to compete with your social media or IG girls in your news feed for your attention. Trust me, they will fear that you’re trying to hook up with other people online during the date. Don’t think they’re an idiot because they most certainly are not.

Those are all the common mistakes that I suggest you completely avoid. Should you chose to do otherwise, well, you might not bang anyone tonight…

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