How To Get Out Of A Bad Dating Rut


If you’re in a bad dating rut, then you should think about getting yourself out of that rut. It’s not the end of the world and it’s certainly something that you can’t do. That’s especially true because I’m going to tell you exactly how to get out of any shitty bad dating rut!

stuck in a dating rut

Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Dating Rut

Here are a few simple ways that you can get out of a bad dating rut.

Stop Going On So Many Dates
Sometimes less is more. If you’re going on hundreds of dates and you’re not getting anywhere, then you need to switch your game up. I suggest going on higher quality dates instead of continuing to up your numbers. This is why I spend so much time on a sex dating site versus mainstream sites. I prefer to go on fewer dates that I know I’m going to get laid on versus a ton of shitty mainstream dates that put me in a dating rut.

Lose The Negative Vibe
If you want to get out of your rut then you need to have a positive attitude. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a negative mindset and it’s really destroyed everything. Tony Robbins always talks about being positive about things and he’s right. Lose the negative vibe if you want to get out of your rut.

Stop Settling
We settle for almost everything in life. Settling for someone or people that you no longer want to date is something that will destroy you. I stopped settling for people long ago and I’ve since improved my dating game for the better.

Change Up The Scenery
If you want to get out of your dating rut then you need to change up the scenery. If the local bars aren’t working for you then try a new bar. If the dating site you’re using isn’t working, then try another one. You’ve got to take some action and change things for something to actually change.

Let Go
I’m not telling you to give up, I’m just telling you to let go of what’s not working for you. Sometimes holding onto something or some things because you are comfortable can be bad. You’ve got to let go if you want to get out of any type of rut that you’re in. It’s called progression.

Those few tips should help improve your dating success for sure!