How To Break Up With Someone


Breaking up with your girlfriend or boyfriend can be devastating for both of you. It is not an easy thing to do and a lot of people end up hurting each other a lot. But if you really want to break up, then you have no choice of coming clean. If you plan on using a casual sex site, then I recommend that you break up immediately.

You can always minimize the damage that breaking up with someone might result in. Here are some good ways to break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend. I actually called with quits with my girlfriend awhile back before I started using Instabang. It was the best thing I’ve done in years.

break up the right way

Break Up With Someone The Correct Way


The timing of break is very important. If a certain important event is coming in someone’s life, hold off on the announcement and let them get through that important event first. Once the event is over, you can then come clean and tell the other person that you want things to end. Putting added stress on someone during an important event is a bad idea. It’s not going to help you or your partner one bit. In fact, it might make you look like a dickhead if you do it before the event. You’ll look like an asshole, plain and simple.

Be Personal

Never break up over the phone or text messages or on Facebook. If you have been together for a long time, the other person deserves to know everything in detail and in person. If you cannot face your partner, then the next beast option would be to break up over the phone. The phone option is the very last resort. I urge you to meet in person so you look like a stand-up person.

If you can and have the courage, it is always less damaging to meet the person and talk about the difference and end it there. Sometimes you can end things in a very civil manner in person.

Don’t Be Harsh

If you know your partner is sensitive and doesn’t take things like these lightly, try not to be harsh and avoid blaming them. If you do that it will leave a very bad scar on their heart and they might find trouble being themselves in the future.

Always be polite if you are the one to break up because you don’t want to leave bad memories for the other person. Trust me, you’re definitely better off leaving on good terms because you never know what the future may bring between you and this person mentioned.

Be Ready

When you are going to announce that you want to break up, expect things to get out of hand. Be ready for things to heat up and try to remain as calm as possible. The last thing you want to do is to end things on a very bad note.

Avoid the fight, be calm and don’t let things get too much out of control.

Don’t Lie

No matter what happens, if you are going to break up with someone, be honest with them. Don’t lie about the relationship and let them know exactly why you are breaking up with them. It also includes if you have found someone better, then let them know. Of course, if you’re already having sex with someone you met online, then you don’t need to go into too much detail. However, it’s best to not let the person think that it’s their fault if it’s not.