Body Grooming For A Casual Date


Honestly, guys usually don’t think about body grooming as much as girls do, but they should. The fresher you look and smell, the more likely it is that your date will be attracted to you. It only takes a few extra minutes to groom your body for optimal results. That holds true especially if you’re casually dating and just banging random girls you meet using an app.

Body Grooming Tips

Body Grooming 101 For Casual Dating

Here are some tips for body grooming before a date. If you’re not grooming then your sex life isn’t booming, trust me! Take my advice here and you won’t be sorry! I don’t care if you’re dating random girls on Craigslist or you’re using a professional dating service, you need to be groomed.

Shower A Couple Of Hours Before – You should shower long before the date for a few reasons. When you shower, you tend to sweat a little afterward. Also, showers pull the moisture out of your body and you need to give it time to return. If you shower just before you go to your date, you are not going to look or feel your best.

Trim Your Nails – You should do this for both cosmetic reasons and practical reasons. Trimmed nails make you look well-groomed and that you care about your appearance. Also, if the date goes well, you don’t want sharp or jagged fingernails in case you end up exploring with them later.

Removing Body Hair – How much body hair you remove depends on your preferences, but you should definitely shave your face. Chest and pubic hair is completely up to you, but you should remove any excess hair on your neck, and especially your back, before a date.

Use Lotion – After you shower and shave, you should always apply lotion to your face and possibly your body. Make sure that it’s unscented and moisturizing. This keeps your face fresh and soft and, if you use unscented lotion, it helps bring out your natural smell.

Hair Grooming Products – Don’t use anything that will make your hair crunchy or plaster it to your head. Find a hair gel that helps you groom your hair the way you want it, but retains its natural body. You don’t want to show up to your date looking like a Ken doll.

Brushing Teeth and Mouthwash – This is obvious and important to do every day, no matter what. Regular brushing keeps particles out of your teeth that cause bad breath and mouthwash helps kill any excess germs that are hanging around in your mouth waiting to ruin the moment.

Deodorant – Apply only one or two swipes of deodorant under your arms. Don’t lay it on too thick and it’s probably best to use an unscented deodorant. If it has a strong scent, it could clash with the smell of your lotion, cologne, or the smell of your skin.

Easy On The Cologne – Many men can get away without using any cologne at all. Your natural smell is usually better than any cologne at attracting women. If you do use it, be sure to use it sparingly. The last thing you want to do is make her eyes start watering when she hugs you. You should apply a small enough amount where you can smell the cologne, but still smell hints of your body’s natural smell.

That’s all I’ve got for you in terms of grooming for your nsa date. Just take some action and see where it gets you. Chances are you’ll be happy that you did it because I’m telling you right now, it’s going to increase your chances of getting laid.